Christopher Newman { Printmedia Artist, Graphic Designer, Expanded Maker }
The Early Years
2007 - 2009
Recent significant artistic milestones to date include two very successful art residencies and exhibitions in Paris and in Buenos Aires, the former at Proyecto’Ace in Buenos Aires (exhibition titled, La cara terrestre: Argentina) and the later at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris (exhibition titled, Afterglow). I have been selected to exhibit in the Albury Art Prize 2012 (print installation called Terra la luna), International Print Triennial - Krakow, Fremantle Print Awards, Hazelhurst Art on Paper Awards 2012, and I have been shown and collected by the Australian Embassy in Buenos Aires and private collections in Australia and overseas.
Spanish pastels series / some pages from The Puppy Gang book, Fremantle Print Awards

Collographs from The Face in the Land, in the Night series and Aussie Goldrush lightbox

Screenprints and print installation - Terra la luna, Albury Art Prize 2012